Pixton Woodlands began in 1971, providing field grown trees for wholesale and retail. We hold semi-mature and very large mature trees at our site, enabling us to cater for projects of all sizes all over the UK.tContrary to popular belief younger trees, or whips, suffer an increased risk of transplantation failure.  For this reason, we make our trees available for sale only once they reach 3 metres in height, the point at which they are strong enough to cope with the transplantation to a new home. By taking this approach we have enjoyed an unrivalled transplantation success rate.tWhether you are looking for a specimen tree, an instant avenue of our sizeable, mature trees, a copse, screening from neighbours, or to create a parkland scheme, the team at Pixton are on hand to discuss your project and ensure you get the perfect trees for the job.  

Our experienced team can advise on best positioning and landscaping as required for an individual tree or complete planting site.  For summer planting we hold a stock of over 2000 potted trees, enabling our customers to purchase all year round. You are welcome to collect your trees from Pixton, though most clients do choose to take advantage of our delivery service. We can also offer on site expert advice to your planting team.

All of our trees have been regularly moved over the years to prepare them for their eventual relocation. The reason we do this is to minimise transplantation risk, ensuring the best new start. We provide customers with full instructions on how to care for their new trees in the vital first 12 months. Should there be any concerns, we are always available on the telephone to help and advise, and will also revisit the site if necessary.

If you’d like to talk through your project with one of the team at Pixton, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

Please note – Our on site phone reception can be patchy. If you are directed straight to voicemail, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you.

T: 01398 331724 

E: pixtonwoodlands@gmail.com